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Wary fruit vendor in the central market of Paramaribo. There are supermarkets in the capital but the central market still fulfills the needs of many residents of the capital and provides an outlet for small-scale farmers. ..The influx of convenient Chinese migrant-run corner markets and supermarkets may begin to erode the customer base of the central market. From a communique leaked by Wikileaks, the US Embassy says, "The Chinese presence in Suriname remains controversial because the public fears Chinese workers will first take away their jobs, and then, open shops and take away their business opportunities". In another US Embassy communique leaked by Wikileaks states, " In a man-on-the-street interview conducted by a local newspaper, when asked "how's business," one Surinamese shop-owner said, "the Chinese and their cheap salons compete with us, and they're open until twelve at night. And whether they pay taxes is a question." Kennethe Moenne, leader of the opposition in parliament, said, "I have nothing against the Chinese, they are people too. But without regulations they're going to drive our small local entrepreneurs out of the market.".